Inspiration Day (F)aces of the future

Inspiratiedag Netwerk Duurzame Mobiliteit

What is the road towards sustainable mobility? What are the policy priorities? Those were some of the questions we tried to answer on 16 September 2021 at the Inspiration Day (F)Aces of the Future in Mechelen. With an audience of around 170 people, we looked towards the future and kicked off Mobility Week in the meantime.

[Naar de Nederlandstalige pagina]

Look back at our English sessions FACES en FUTURE

Keynote Philippe Crist

Autonomous (hosted by ART-forum): policy recommendations for future sustainable and automated mobility. (In English)

Autonomous vehicles in sociotechnical systems

Autonomous part 1

Autonomous part 2

Connected (hosted by Surflogh): real life experience and inspiration on connected mobility. (In English)

Good Goods - Connecting stakeholders in one logistical concept for sustainable city distribution

Connecting goods and people

Connected part 1

Connected part 2

Connected part 3

Trial & Error: learn from our mistakes and failures! what worked and didn’t work in some of our pilot projects (In English)

Sessie trial & error

Trial & Error part 1

Trial & Error part 2

Trial & Error part 3

Trial & Error part 4

Trial & Error part 5

Enable modal shift: how do we actually execute a modal shift? How do we make sustainable transport resources more attractive? (In English)

De Grote Versnelling
Towards an integrated public transport network in Belgium & filmpje Integrato: We willen beter openbaar vervoer in België
Focus on work on the Ring road

Enable part 1

Enable part 2

Enable part 3

Inspiration Day (F)aces of the future is an initiative of

With the support of